Loan Payoff
Find out how to make that final payment and put your student loans behind you.
- Loans Not in Default
- Loans in Default
To obtain your official payoff amount, sign in to your online account and click "Loan Payoff" under Payments & Billing. You may also call 1-800-233-0557 (toll-free U.S. and Canada).
How to Pay Off Your Loan Online
Step | Action |
Step 1: | Sign in to your account and select "Loan Payoff" under Payments & Billing |
Step 2: | Select the loans you want to pay off and the payment date and click "Request a Payoff Amount" |
Step 3: | Enter payment information and select "Make a Payoff Payment" |
How to Pay Off Your Loan by Mail
Step | Action |
Step 1: | Obtain your official payoff amount online or by phone |
Step 2: | Include the following information on your check or money order:
Step 3: |
Pay off payments: American Education ServicesP.O. Box 65093 Baltimore, MD 21264-5093 Partial and Conditional payments: A payment for less than the full balance due that you mark "paid in full" or similar language, or that you send to fully satisfy a disputed amount, must be sent to: American Education ServicesAttn: Conditional Payments P.O. Box 2251 Harrisburg, PA 17105-2251 NOTE: If it’s determined that your dispute is invalid, or if you send your conditional payment to a different address or pay electronically, we may accept the payment, and you will still owe any remaining balance on your loan. However, we may refuse to accept the payment by returning it to you, not cashing it or destroying it. |
Keep in Mind
- We must receive your payment within 10 days of acquiring your official payoff amount.
- Interest will continue to accrue daily until we receive a payment that satisfies the official payoff amount.
- Because interest accrues daily, if your payment is received after 10 business days, it may not satisfy the outstanding principal balance and accrued interest. Your payment may be returned to you if your payment does not satisfy the outstanding principal balance and accrued interest. You will need to obtain a new payoff amount.
Direct Debit Considerations
- If you are currently on Direct Debit and your final payment is less than your regular monthly withdrawal amount, this payment will be adjusted to only debit the remaining amount due.
- If you are paying off your entire loan amount, make sure you are not due for a payment before the loan payoff date you selected. If so, we will still extract the scheduled payment unless you notify us to request suspension of your Direct Debit service.
- You can suspend or cancel your Direct Debit service through Account Access at least 3 business days before the transaction.
If a payment is received for more than the outstanding balance on your account, the credit balance will be refunded to the payor once the account is marked as paid in full. Credit balance refunds are generally not issued until at least 20 days after receiving the payoff payment to allow time to complete all open activity on the account before sending a paid in full letter.